Wednesday, March 5, 2025

My Wrestling Statistics, 2024 Update!

 Here are some only interesting to me wrestling statistics about my time attending shows.

Total Shows: 359 as of 03/05/2025

Most recent show, February 22, 2025 Limitless Wrestling, Yarmouth, Maine.  Next potential show, March 14, 2025 NAWA Fairfield, Maine.

Shows attended in 2024

34 wrestling events

18 different promotions, 9 first time attending

2 different countries, 4 States, 1 new Province
US: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, & Pennsylvania
Canada: Quebec City, Quebec

Two Countries, 12 States, & 2 Provinces

Maine - 1989
Massachusetts - 1997
Vermont - 1998
New Hampshire - 1999
Connecticut - 2003
Pennsylvania - 2006
Florida - 2008
North Carolina - 2009
New Jersey - 2012
Rhode Island - 2012
New York  - 2018
Delaware - 2023

Ottawa, Ontario - 2019
Quebec City, Quebec - 2024

61 Different Promotions

National / International Companies
AEW: All Elite Wrestling 
WWE: World Wrestling Entertainment
TNA: Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
WCW: World Championship Wrestling
ROH: Ring of Honor
NJPW: New Japan Pro Wrestling
World of Stardom (Japan)
GCW: Game Changer Wrestling
NXT: WWE Developmental

Maine Based
EWA: Eastern Wrestling Alliance
Tony Atlas's USA All Star Wrestling
UPW: Ultimate Professional Wrestling
MEW: Maine Event Wrestling (2001 - 2003) 
ACW: Atlas Championship Wrestling
ASAW: All Star American Wrestling
NWH: New Wrestling Horizons
AWA North Atlantic
NWA New England
PWA: Pro Wrestling America
NWA On Fire
IWE: Independent Wrestling Entertainment
VPW: Vacationland Pro Wrestling (2010)
NAWA: North Atlantic Wrestling Association
LPW: Live Pro Wrestling
Intergalactic Wrestling
AOM: All Out Mayhem
PWE: Pro Wrestling Experience
MEW: MainEvent Wrestling (2014-2015)
Limitless Wrestling
¡Let’s Wrestle!
PWS: Pro Wrestling Society
Limitless Dojo Student Showcase
VPW: Vacationland Pro Wrestling (2021 - )
PSPW: Pine State Pro Wrestling
Mariners Wrestling

Outside Maine
BTW: Big Time Wrestling (Massachusetts) 
XboKu Pro Wrestling (Danbury, Connecticut)
Carson's Pro Wrestling World (Allentown, Pennsylvania)
FRW: Front Row Wrestling (Rochester, New Hampshire)
UXW Pro Wrestling (Orlando, Florida)
NWA Legends FanFest (Charlotte, North Carolina)
CHIKARA (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
PWS: Pro Wrestling Syndicate (Garfield, New Jersey)
Legends of the Ring (New Jersey)
PWF Northeast (Providence, Rhode Island)
WIA: Wrestling Is Awesome (New York)
TRP: Top Rope Promotions (New Bedford, Massachusetts)
NEW: Northeast Wrestling
Beyond Wrestling
ICW: No Holds Barred Wrestling 
PUG Pro Wrestling (Massachusetts)
1CW Pro Wrestling (Delaware)
Sean Henderson presents (Pennsylvania)
DEFY (Seattle, Washington)
Progress Wrestling (England)
TJPW: Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling (Tokyo, Japan)

C*4 Wrestling: Capital City Championship Combat (Ottawa, Ontario)
ISW: Interspecies Wrestling (Quebec)
NSPW: North Shore Pro Wrestling (Quebec City, Quebec)

I've attended Shows in 7 of Maine's 16 Counties
Kennebec, Androscoggin, Sagadahoc, Cumberland, Somerset, York, & Penobscot

Wrestlers who I have seen wrestle live the most..

Larry Huntley: 109 Times
First Time: July 24, 1999 EWA at the Lewiston Armory, Larry Huntley defeated Inferno - Larry's Pro Wrestling Debut
Most Recent: November 29, 2024 NAWA at the Fairfield Community Center, Tony Atlas & Cousin Larry defeated The Holy Roller & NBK with Robert Benson the 3rd when Larry pinned NBK

Larry started as the EWA's hardcore match referee making his debut under the moniker of "The Dirty Bird Bouncer" and later "The Enforcer" before becoming the "Scufflin Hillbilly" Cousin Larry.  I also saw him wrestle under a mask as the dreaded Parts Unknown.

Anthony Greene: 55 Times
First Time: August 31, 2012 IWE at the Fairfield Community Center Ryan London pinned Josiah Matthews
Most Recent: January 18, 2025 Limitless Wrestling AMVets in Yarmouth Aiden Aggro with J-Heru pinned Anthony Greene

Maps made with

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

10th Anniversary

March 1, 2025 marks the 10th Anniversary of The Wrestling Insomniac Blog.  It's cliche to say, but I really can't believe that it's a been a decade since I decided to start this page. Let's look at some stats shall we:

The number of posts varied from year to year, some years were better than others but I hit a bit of depression in 2022 & 2023 and it shows in the numbers there.
    2015    84
    2016    86
    2017    134
    2018    55
    2019    62
    2020    58
    2021    38
    2022    10 
    2023    13
    2024    45
    2025    11     
    Total    596

    Page Views: 1,418,400

Top 10 All Time Viewed pages: 
WWE Fastlane Feedback
Posted by Michael J. Labbe
The Greatest Robes in Wrestling
Posted by Michael J. Labbe
The Final Matches Of Hulk Hogan
Posted by Michael J. Labbe
The Final Ride of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
Posted by Michael J. Labbe
The 1990 WWF Intercontinental Championship Tournament
Posted by Michael J. Labbe
The Natural Disasters: Tag Team Champions?
Posted by Michael J. Labbe
The Ultimate Warrior's WCW Run
Posted by Michael J. Labbe
Ronnie Garvin: His NWA World Championship Matches
Posted by Michael J. Labbe
Antonio Inoki WWF Champion?
Posted by Michael J. Labbe
The Many Champions of "Captain" Lou Albano
Posted by Michael J. Labbe

This blog has been a lot of fun, the best thing that has come from it is my friendship with Brandon.  I'll continue to post when the feeling hits me, and I don't see a time when I'll stop completely, but I guess you never know.

Thank you for those that have stuck around awhile enjoying what I have to say. 

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboats Intercontinental Championship Reign

Naturally, first thing that comes to mind when one mentions Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion is WrestleMania 3 and his victory of "Macho Man" Randy Savage. 

For many it is still the greatest WrestleMania match of all time, and the one that was the most talked about for decades.  Many, like myself, remember watching the build towards the match, the heinous Macho Man dropping the ring bell onto Steamboats throat numerous times from the top rope.  The damage to the larynx of the perennial fan favorite.  The vignettes of long recovery and and learning to speak again.

These are very prominent memories for me, but you know what isn't, his title reign.  I recall one tv match where Steamboat wrestled Hercules and Savage ran down and grabbed Hercules ankle in a awkward moment to prevent him from beating Steamboat.  The next thing I knew The Honky Tonk Man was the Intercontinental Champion.  Until I started this post I had never seen the match where he lost the title.

Steamboat held championship for a mere 64 days from March 29, 1987 to June 2, 1987.  Let's take a look at the matches.

March 29, 1987 Pontiac Silverdome, Michigan
WrestleMania III
Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat with George "The Animal" Steel pinned Intercontinental Champion: Randy "Macho Man" Savage with Miss Elizabeth to win the Championship

April 23, 1987 Worcester Centrum, Massachusetts
WWF Superstars - Aired May 5, 1987
Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated Tiger Chung Lee

April 24, 1987 New Haven Coliseum, Connecticut 
Wrestling Challenge- Aired May 3, 1987
Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated Terry Gibbs

April 24, 1987 New Haven Coliseum, Connecticut 
Wrestling Challenge- Aired May 17, 1987
Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Natural" Butch Reed by count-out

April 25, 1987 Baltimore Arena, Maryland
"Macho Man" Randy Savage defeated Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  
by count-out

April 26, 1987 Market Square Arena, Indianapolis, Indiana
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

April 27, 1987 Columbus, Ohio
Elimination Match: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Billy Jack Haynes & Jake "The Snake" Roberts defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage, The Honky Tonk Man and Hercules

April 28, 1987 South Bend, Indiana
Saturday Night's Main Event - Aired May 2, 1987 
Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated Hercules by disqualification

April 29, 1987 Syracuse, New York
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 1, 1987 Nassau Coliseum, Long Island, New York
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 2, 1987 Rosemont Horizon, Illinois
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 3, 1987 Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 4, 1987 Peoria, Illinois
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 7, 1987 Cincinnati, Ohio
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 8, 1987 Springfield, Massachusetts
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 9, 1987 Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, Missouri
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 10, 1987 Kansas City, Missouri 
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 11, 1987 Oakland, California
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 12, 1987 Anaheim, California
WWF Superstars - Aired May 30, 1987
Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat pinned Dusty Wolfe

May 13, 1987 San Diego, California
Wrestling Challenge - Aired May 24, 1987
Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat pinned "Iron" Mike Sharpe

May 15, 1987 Houston, Texas
Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 24, 1987 Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 25, 1987 Verdun, Quebec, Canada
"Macho Man" Randy Savage defeated Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat by count-out

May 26, 1987 Lake Placid, New York
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 29, 1987 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 30, 1987 St. Paul, Minnesota 
Steel Cage: Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

May 31, 1987 California, Pennsylvania 
Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  defeated "Macho Man" Randy Savage

June 2, 1987 Buffalo, New York
WWF Superstars - Aired June 13, 1987
The Honky Tonk Man with "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart pinned Intercontinental Champion: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat  to win the championship

This match with Honky Tonk Man was short just under 4 minutes, Steamboat went for a small package near the ropes, Honky grabbed the ropes reversing it and holding on through the three count.  

Steamboat defended the title 26 times from coast to coast and in 3 Canadian provinces.  As you can see the schedule was demanding and all over the place.  Allegedly  Steamboat asked for time off the home for the birth of his son and it angered McMahon who was going to have him drop the title to Butch Reed, but he no showed the card so instead he lost to the Honky Tonk Man.  In an interview Steamboat said Hogan was mad at him for outshining Hogan and Andre at Mania.  

Steamboat was not pushed through the remainder of his run in the WWF and finished up at WrestleMania IV losing to Greg "The Hammer" Valentine in the opening round of the WWF Championship tournament.

Steamboat was one of the all time best wrestlers, except for the build to WrestleMania III I really feel he was wasted in the WWF during this 3 year run and his short return in 1991.  The NWA territories is where he really was able to shine.  

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment, check out my other posts, and if you want like my blogs Facebook page.  You can also head over to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book the 2024 Limitless Wrestling Almanac, or any of my other books.

Until next time!